Together we can bring our experiences to improve the community

Together we can bring our experiences to improve the community

I have worked with the Cook County Adult Probation Department for the last 25 years. I’m interested to hear your experiences and how we can come together.

Lifelong resident of Cook County.

I want to be a voice in our Community!

After raising my son I had to reinvent myself. I’ve always had aspirations to run for office but put everything on hold to raise my son and focus on being a mom. Now that he is away at college, I have the time to dedicate fully to the issues that need to be addressed and work closely with our community.

I believe we can unite. As a mom who wants a better community for all of us. Will you join me?

Kim Jagielski and Police Officer

I have worked with the Cook County Adult Probation Department for the last 25 years. I’m interested to hear your experiences and how we can come together.

Lifelong resident of Cook County.

I want to be a voice in our Community!

After raising my son I had to reinvent myself. I’ve always had aspirations to run for office but put everything on hold to raise my son and focus on being a mom. Now that he is away at college, I have the time to dedicate fully to the issues that need to be addressed and work closely with our community.

I believe we can unite. As a mom who wants a better community for all of us. Will you join me?

Watching what’s becoming of it is heartbreaking. We can no longer enjoy downtown without the fear of being robbed, carjacked, or terrorized by thugs. The criminal justice system has failed us with its leniency as well as the politicians who are allowing it to happen. I am a single mom who raised her son in this city, I love this city and everything it has to offer. However, I find myself reluctant to enjoy the amenities of this beautiful county/city as the criminals have seem to have taken over. This is our city and it’s time that the law-abiding citizens take it back. Join me and let’s organize! Fill out the contact form and let’s meet!

Kim Jagielski and Police Officer

Watching what’s becoming of it is heartbreaking. We can no longer enjoy downtown without the fear of being robbed, carjacked, or terrorized by thugs. The criminal justice system has failed us with its leniency as well as the politicians who are allowing it to happen. I am a single mom who raised her son in this city, I love this city and everything it has to offer. However, I find myself reluctant to enjoy the amenities of this beautiful county/city as the criminals have seem to have taken over. This is our city and it’s time that the law-abiding citizens take it back. Join me and let’s organize! Fill out the contact form and let’s meet!


I stand for restoring law and order


Term limits must be in place


Tax hikes must be stopped

Kim Supports Our Police

It’s time to stop the spread of crime

Kim Supports Our Police

It’s time to stop the spread of crime

My affiliations:

My affiliations:

Member of St. Joseph’s rosary club

St. Ignatius Women’s Society

Certified Life Coach

Woman’s Business Association

Certified Trainer for our cognitive behavioral therapy groups

Court liasion for the Maywood Courthouse

Certified in motivational interviewing

Domestic violence officer for over 10 years at the Maywood Courthouse

Veterans Court Officer –

While a probation officer, I served for 7 years as a veterans court officer working closely with Hynes VA to insure our veterans were given the benefits they were entitled.

Member of the Garfield Neighborhood Watch Program